The church's numerous committees keep the church administratively sound; facilitate social action; perform community service; organize missions and reach out to the community and beyond.

Consists of all committee chairs and some at-large members, this is the official decision-making body of the church. The Council envisions, plans, implements and annually evaluates the overall mission and ministry of the church.
Chairperson: Amy Peterson
Meets: 4th Tuesday, 7:00pm
This committee works towards planting the infrastructure that would allow the church to meet it's technology needs in the years ahead. This committee works closely with the trustees since many of the projects impact the infrastructure of the church. The Committee's membership is composed of members with technology experience from various fields.
Responsibilities include:
-Guiding decisions on important technology issues and needs.
-Overseeing the implementation and management and
maintenance of Cary UMC current technology infrastructure.
-Supports technology needs for standing committees.
-Audio/Visual support of Worship Services.

Oversees the financial health, the annual budget, the annual audit, provides financial direction; and communicates the church’s financial condition to the Church Council. It also develops plans for the annual funding program to ensure that the financial needs of the church are met; arranges for the annual audit of church financial records.
Chairperson: Tom Swider
Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Has the particular responsibility of supervising and directing the use of all monies received during the year in memory of, or as a special honor to loved ones; and also special gifts to the church. They serve as a committee responsible to the Board of Trustees. They receive, acknowledge, distribute and dedicate monies and memorial gifts. They are also responsible for updating the memorial books.
Chairperson: Lois Voss
Meets: As Needed

Coordinates the church's activities in outreach and service in the community and beyond through our partnership with our United Methodist connection, and other opportunities as they present themselves. Plans the church’s ministry to the needy, poor and marginalized both locally and abroad.
Chairperson: Teresa Bivin
We invite people to be transformed as they are inspired and challenged to: know and experience God through Jesus Christ, claim and live God's promises, and grow and serve as Christian Disciples. The Nurture Work Area is responsible for the planning and oversight of the education program ministry of the church. This includes planning for all age-level Sunday school program, Vacation Bible-School, etc. The Nurture Team also helps to identify and train teachers and leaders.
Chairperson: Dorothy Fagerson
Meets: 1st Tuesday, 6:30pm

Has the supervision and oversight of all property owned by Cary UMC. This includes the care of the property, usage of the property, and insurance issues, among others. This committee reviews all improvements, building decisions, liability, insurance and equipment to ensure the church, its property and its personnel are properly protected against risks.
Chairperson: Dan Rank
Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
Responsible for the planning and oversight of the witness functions of the church's ministry.
Goals of the Witness Team include:
-Minister to the congregation and our community.
-Encourage involvement within the church (including visitors,
new members, and our congregation).
-Offer encouragement, fellowship and ministry to motivate
spiritual growth.
Chairperson: Jen Crick
Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm

Aids the congregation in a fuller understanding of the meaning, purpose and practice of worship. They cooperate with the Pastors and the Music Staff in planning and caring for worship; recruit ushers, acolytes, and liturgists; display paraments/banners, preparation/care for communion, prepare and help serve the sacramental elements. This committee also assists in planning special worship events (i.e. Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, etc.).
Chairperson: Janice Prunier-King
Meets: 2nd Tuesday, 7:30pm